It’s funny that I had left college for 9 months when memories of it are still swimming in my head as though it was only yesterday I kicked the CPU in class (it was an accident, I swear). Time passed by as I and my friends went about reminiscing the good and bad times, how intensely hot we were due to the silly heat trapping robes, and how working life sucks. Even when most of us hadn’t seen each other since college ended the camaraderie was as strong as ever.
So there you have it, after 9 months of waiting, cursing, registering and more cursing, my association with my former institution of higher learning (HAHAHA!) is now over. I am a proud holder of an honours degree of which I’m not that proud of. At the very least of it I feel that it enables me to knock on some employers’ door.
I honestly didn’t think I would have had a good time but I was proven wrong many times over. To all my friends, hopefully that wasn’t the last time we meet. Keep in touch everyone!
Chris is signing off. For now…
PS: I look like a dork I know. But that was on purpose. I swear.
god, my graduation (for a diploma je, not even my degree yet) seems so close yet so far away.
and since it was your big day, I'll let that sad "dorky-on-purpose" excuse slide.
Congratulations! =D
You win the annual blogger "Sexiest Eyebrows Award." Congratulations! Grand prize winners receive a copy of Brooke Shields guide to beauty.
Oooooh, a graduate. Ooooooh, with honours. Oooooh, that's awwweeeesome!
There, enough oohing and awwwing over you. Congrats christo!
To all the fine ladies, I thank you all!
Lama sudah ku tidak melayari blog kamu. Tahniah! And I don't know why I'm typing malay.
Anyway glad you had a great time. Would have been there if I was still in town.
I'm late, as always. But congrats on the degree. Doesn't it feel wonderful?
hahaa.. what you blog,.. sounds so true.. so true from my heart and words too.
keep in touch...
meet u coming sat.. ^^
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