Sunday 5 April 2009

Up in flames, they'll be...

...if I had it my way, of course.

Some people just don't deserve to be where they are, yet there they are, sipping on wine bought on money from others' blood and sacrifice. You know these people: they brag, they lie and cheat and they wield a knife to the back of unsuspecting people when it suits their agenda.

I call them swines.

Wait, that's an insult to all cuddly non-pork-destined pigs. These people are parasites; they come, attach themselves to a suitable hosts, suck their vigour and leave them dry and weary when they're done. On to the next victim till they've reached their goals.

I'd like to believe that they will receive their comeuppance, a fitting punishment for their unscrupulous dealings on hapless people who are honest and modest in nature. But we live in a world that is increasingly vicious. It seems that justice is about as common as a man with principles of steel. Its existence is threatened. Greed and jealousy shall be the common denominator from now on.

The corporate ladder never looked so perilous.

This is Chris, signing off.

PS: This post is dedicated to all the fighters in the working world out there. You know who you are.

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