With the non-success of the first in the series of Chris Goes to the Gym Makes a Fool of Himself Whilst on the Treadmill, here comes part deux with even more useless information you thought not possible for Asian eyes. Get ready to be mentally challenged by the literary workout that will leave you exasperated frightened to even step into a gym.
Horror stories from the locker room:
Regarding soft males in the gym
My Russian friend, who is about the height and build of a small giant (read: friggin’ tall!) has an uncanny and downright frightening ability to act like a guy acting like a girl. It is immensely hilarious and thoroughly disturbing because he is not the type that will burst into caricature or even put on a weird face, unlike yours truly. (Yours truly will now do impressions of Barney the Dinosaur if the commission is right and without any form of video recordings. I will sue!) His perfect imitation of soft males is something only the guys from Little Britain can do with more aplomb and it’s because they’re gay and he’s not. He is so not gay.
Of grunts, stunts and ugly exercise trousers
I’ve always maintained that people who go the gym are vain buggers, or at the very least, cognisant of their wellbeing. Why would someone want to jog on a treadmill for half an hour and not expect something in return, like, a nicer butt? Or why would someone want to lift heavy weights that will ultimately prove useless when it comes to intelligence quizzes?
I don’t know about you, but I like my cute butt the way it is. I wonder where I left my pink shorts…
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: Don’t you just hate it when politicians bicker and make us the victims?
Pink shorts? Photo, photo!
And yay, you're getting your alignment back! =D
id: Err. Those aren't for viewing, I'm afraid. It's a personal thing. Tee hee!
Also, the alignment is back after having to dig up my rusty HTML knowledge. Gosh, I so don't miss them programming days!
Hahaha! So that is confirmation there won't be a Whacker Inc. pay site, huh? Haha! Okay, this is going into a weird area. You know, topic-wise. =P
At least this validates my decision not to join a gym.
id: You could always email me with your bank account details and maybe, just maybe, you'll see something pink. ;)
PS: Eww.
Lia: Maybe women don't grunt or moan or groan. I wouldn't know since women don't exactly lift 35-pound dumbbells in my presence.
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