Tuesday 19 December 2006

I I yai yai!

How this shindig works:

Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog. I was tagged by the venerable Lia and effervescent Syar.

Since I’m still working on a blog post on food, I’ll do a “6 weird things I do” instead.

  1. Well, maybe just one will do. I love onions, be it raw (think Mel Gibson in that Lethal Weapon movie where he was naked for most of the time) or overcooked.
  2. I don’t read lyrics. Firstly, it’s because I don’t want to get the booklet all smudged therefore after a while it will develop fungal growth which really sucks. Secondly, and rather embarrassingly, I can’t seem to understand them.
  3. I can speed-read. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to be able to recall what I’ve read so it makes my speed-read feat pretty much useless.
  4. I can spend hours looking at books and music CDs. I will pace up and down, flip and flap a book, then not buy anything.
  5. I am incredibly parsimonious. I will walk for hours, visit countless stores, heckle and query till the cows come home just to find the best price for anything. I’m like Chris Rock’s father in Everybody Hates Chris. I know the price for a lot of things.
  6. Whenever I’m by myself, I tend to walk very fast. I will actually scan the area I’m traversing, and pick out the best route. When I’m driving by myself however, I like to go as slow as possible.

I had to really think of things that I haven’t already told you guys. It was fun, and I think it’s why I’m a sucker for memes, I feel like a little boy with a set of Legos.

Gute Nacht und Gutes Glück.

PS: Since I can't really think of anyone to bequeath this meme to I'll just wish anyone who wants to do this all the best. Till then, have a nice week!


Syar said...

Fungal growth?? Ewwwww.

Anonymous said...

I remembered when you visited you walked in a good speed. Irwan walks like a buggy doing 60. I remember going with him one time to Orchard and he powered through like you wouldn't believe.

Btw, I didn't get to say this before, but I totally enjoyed our get-together when you visited. It was really fun.

I'll do this meme when I have the time. =) I hope that you have a great Christmas and New Years with your friends and family. =)

Chris said...

Syar: A combination of sweaty palms and a moody room with the humidity of a desert will surely result in fungal growth.

Marz: It's because of Irwan that I walk the speed that I walk now.

And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I don't like to read for lyric content either because then I'd have to admit to myself that I'm listening to pure trashy, soul-sucking, beyond redemption music that my religion would probably frown down upon. Ignorance of the truth makes everything go down easier, *channeling Mary Poppins* in the most delightful way!

Lia said...

Venerable, me? Why, thank you! Since you clearly respect my opinion, I'll give my reactions to your responses.

1. Raw onions. You already know how I feel. So we'll just leave it at that.

2. Lyrics. They probably don't really make much sense, which is why you can't understand them. But I don't read lyrics at first because I like the challenge of figuring them out on my own. Then I read them to figure out the words I couldn't get because the singer didn't eNUNciate.

3. Speed reading. Even if you can't remember it, it works for entertainment. Not for studying, though. But you'd be amazed by the capacity of your unconcious mind to remember things you KNOW you've forgotten.

4. Not buying. All of the pleasure, none of the cost. Sounds good to me.

5. Parsimony. Not necessarily a bad thing. We're looking for a good estimator where I work.

6. Speed. Do you walk and drive at the same speed?

My sixth weird thing: I think it's weird how so many people share weirdnesses. Because really, that means it's not weird.