The first week at work after the Christmas and New Year holidays is always the hardest. More often than not, the body may be dressed up in work gear but the mind is still in shorts mode. But enough of such enmities, it's time for the first meme of 2009! I so love memes. They're so...memelicious.
The What the Heck You're Up to Now meme:
Where is your cellphone? Somewhere. I hope.
Where is your significant other? Next to me. If I had one.
Hair colour? Slightly darker than black.
Your mother? Out with my sisters.
Your father? Look up to the sky. You might see him.
Your favourite thing(s)? My thing. Wahaha! If you're referring to belongings, then it would be too many. But if you're referring to things as things I cherish the most, it would have to be my family, friends and my life.
Your dream last night? Had a nice chat with the personal trainer chick from gym. She was by far the most beautiful sight I will most likely see all year.
Your dream/goal? To rule the world.
Your hobby(ies)? Again, the best things are in three's: working out, having awesome chats with my buddies, enjoying life.
Your fear? Not being liked. Serious!
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Being the boss. To my boss's boss!
Where were you last night? At home.
What you’re not? A girl?
One of your wish list items? For now, a better job.
Where you grew up? In a house with my family.
The last thing you did? Checking this site out for the latest football news.
What are you wearing? Don't worry, I am wearing clothes.
Your TV? Um, downstairs?
Your pet? Never had one, never will.
Your computer? Using it now to do this meme.
Your mood? Insouciant and covetous.
Missing someone? Hmm, crikey! I left my grandma at the arcade. Again!
Your car? It has seats and a steering wheel, the last I remembered.
Something you’re not wearing now? Make-up.
Favourite store? Book stores make me happy the most.
Your summer? It's a perpetual summer here in Malaysia. Sometimes it's all right. Sometimes it's horrid. It's so-so at the moment.
Love someone? Myself, most definitely.
Your favourite colour? Darker black.
When was the last time you laughed? Well, the last time I laughed really loud was in the office last Friday. That was a riot.
Last time you cried? Last Thursday. Me and the guys from office stood outside our building and we talked the most splendid nonsense, ever. It brought tears of joy!
Are you a bitch? I'm more of a bugger. But I can be a bitch when the occasion arises.
Favourite position? Upright.
Favourite past time? Not working.
Are you a hater or a lover? I'm more of a clown. But I'm more of a hater now. I hate Chelsea!
Are you genuine or fake? I'm genuine if I consider you a friend but I'm a fake if you're someone I detest.
Any vice(s)? Miami. Retarded joke aside, my vices would have to be procrastinating, checking out girls when I'm supposed to be working out, checking out girls when I'm supposed to be working.
Pro-life or wire hanger? I believe in the adage of "the punishment should fit the crime".
McCain or Obama? No contest, whatsoever, it has to be Obama.
Pro plastic or natural? Natural, naturally.
Dream job? Not the one I'm having at the moment.
I tag Angie and whoever who wants to do this.
Be nice now, people.
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: Here's a big shout out to the return of Syar and Nadia. These two ladies are quite possibly the most entertaining writers Malaysia has not seen enough.
The What the Heck You're Up to Now meme:
Where is your cellphone? Somewhere. I hope.
Where is your significant other? Next to me. If I had one.
Hair colour? Slightly darker than black.
Your mother? Out with my sisters.
Your father? Look up to the sky. You might see him.
Your favourite thing(s)? My thing. Wahaha! If you're referring to belongings, then it would be too many. But if you're referring to things as things I cherish the most, it would have to be my family, friends and my life.
Your dream last night? Had a nice chat with the personal trainer chick from gym. She was by far the most beautiful sight I will most likely see all year.
Your dream/goal? To rule the world.
Your hobby(ies)? Again, the best things are in three's: working out, having awesome chats with my buddies, enjoying life.
Your fear? Not being liked. Serious!
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Being the boss. To my boss's boss!
Where were you last night? At home.
What you’re not? A girl?
One of your wish list items? For now, a better job.
Where you grew up? In a house with my family.
The last thing you did? Checking this site out for the latest football news.
What are you wearing? Don't worry, I am wearing clothes.
Your TV? Um, downstairs?
Your pet? Never had one, never will.
Your computer? Using it now to do this meme.
Your mood? Insouciant and covetous.
Missing someone? Hmm, crikey! I left my grandma at the arcade. Again!
Your car? It has seats and a steering wheel, the last I remembered.
Something you’re not wearing now? Make-up.
Favourite store? Book stores make me happy the most.
Your summer? It's a perpetual summer here in Malaysia. Sometimes it's all right. Sometimes it's horrid. It's so-so at the moment.
Love someone? Myself, most definitely.
Your favourite colour? Darker black.
When was the last time you laughed? Well, the last time I laughed really loud was in the office last Friday. That was a riot.
Last time you cried? Last Thursday. Me and the guys from office stood outside our building and we talked the most splendid nonsense, ever. It brought tears of joy!
Are you a bitch? I'm more of a bugger. But I can be a bitch when the occasion arises.
Favourite position? Upright.
Favourite past time? Not working.
Are you a hater or a lover? I'm more of a clown. But I'm more of a hater now. I hate Chelsea!
Are you genuine or fake? I'm genuine if I consider you a friend but I'm a fake if you're someone I detest.
Any vice(s)? Miami. Retarded joke aside, my vices would have to be procrastinating, checking out girls when I'm supposed to be working out, checking out girls when I'm supposed to be working.
Pro-life or wire hanger? I believe in the adage of "the punishment should fit the crime".
McCain or Obama? No contest, whatsoever, it has to be Obama.
Pro plastic or natural? Natural, naturally.
Dream job? Not the one I'm having at the moment.
I tag Angie and whoever who wants to do this.
Be nice now, people.
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: Here's a big shout out to the return of Syar and Nadia. These two ladies are quite possibly the most entertaining writers Malaysia has not seen enough.
Come on, Chris, those aren't answers. Live a little!
But thanks for pointing me to the new homes of Malaysia's finest.
Thanks for the MEME thingy.
I'll do the MEME thingy over the weekend when I can mull over it like a well-loved bak kut teh soup.
Lia: Yes, they are! ;-P
Angie: LOLs! at your description. Happy meme-ing!
You like being upright? I like being upright! I could totally be your other. Can't promise I'll be significant though.
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