Caveat: this is my attempt at writing a girly girly post. Sue me if I get it wrong. Actually, please don’t.
A day that sucked. I hates that!
Fcuk! I broke a nail. And it wasn’t even long! WTF! The stress, TEH STRESS!!!LOL
Alright, I went to the mall with mai gurls and we just saw the latest handbag collection from Coach and I must say this:
Like, c’mon, who’s gonna buy that shizz huh? It’s so gawddarn fugly! The colours are all out man. Black and pink was sooooooooooo yesterweek.
But on a different note, I saw that cute guy again. Man, he makes making coffee an art for true aficionados such as me (ooo, so modest I am!). He’s oh so cute and yummy. He’s a godsend. And what a name too.
His name is Chris.
PS: Rihanna rwks!
Phew! Enough already!
I was going to try and come up with a whole girly post but the more I kept thinking like a girly girl, the more my never-had-before-migraine kept bugging me. And my manness started to take a big hit in the clothing department. Seriously, some of these girls are so ditzy, it actually surprises me sometimes that they’re actually Malaysian and not a blonde American girl called Britaney.
The last few days have been pretty much slacktastic. (Boss, if you’re reading this, I’m doing the report right now. Really.) Been doing my work lightning fast; I’ll get my reports done in the morning and solve any ad-hoc issues with as much pace as a tennis ball aimed at your head. The days go by really quick when I’m busy and they go even quicker when I’m trying to be busy. Hmm…Anyway, I’ve stalked checked numerous blogs by girls (aged between neurotic and silly), and by Jove, they are sickeningly saccharine, the colours are epilepsy attacks waiting to happen.
And they all feature bountiful amounts of pictures!!!
Topics vary from boys to food, bitchin’ to booze to whatever a girl does. It’s really interesting. Like this one blog I chanced upon: the girl’s about 20 and she goes to a party, and she gets hammered. She laughs about it by writing a million LOLs, saying she shouldn’t have eaten so much chicken wings. And laughs again, this time with ROFLs and a couple of profanities. Then I click on her friend’s blog and guess what? She’s drunk as well! And is laughing with the same three letters!
Okay, this post is starting to sound like a diatribe on crack. A blog is a personal thing and people blog about things that are true to them. That I get. But what I don’t get is how can these girls rehash the same thing over and over again yet still make it—I’m going to regret this later—interesting? Hmph. I’m just being my cranky, irascible self, aren’t I?
I started this blog as a means to let loose my inner thoughts. The writing then—if you are willing to read drivel of the highest order—does not reflect the current incarnation’s leanings. Which is good, if I may so.
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: To lose is one thing, but to lose because someone gifts you the winning blow, it’s something that’s really hard to stomach. Much like green tea-flavoured steaks.
"(Boss, if you’re reading this, I’m doing the report right now. Really.)"
Yes, he definitely is. Nod, nod.
"ut what I don’t get is how can these girls rehash the same thing over and over again yet still make it—I’m going to regret this later—interesting?"
Are you sure it's not because of the - ahem! - pictures? =P
id: Ah, nice pictures...ah...LOL! But seriously, most girls (especially Chinese teenagers) all love to pose and execute the Japanese peace sign/2-finger-chopstick gesture.
I abhor it. But they sure do look good! :-)
Boss: I've sent the report. Check your mail! :-p
Blogs written by immature young ladies are fine by me if they want to pepper it with LOL from here to eternity. My problem is that one lady in our homeschool group send out group e-mails written like that.
"I gave my daughter a pop quiz today. LOL! And then we went to the store and they had pickled rhubarb on sale. LOL! Not really. I'm just fooling with you guys. ROFL!!!!!"
I'm trying to be diplomatic, Chris but one day I will likely snap and tell her via group e-mail that only hyenas and the mentally infirm would think anything of that shit is funny.
Me Lady, that was, simply put, hilarious.
But now that you've mentioned it, LOLs from older women, especially like those aforementioned in your comment, sounds just plain fruity.
Fruits that don't taste good, really.
Gotta love Friendster for birthday reminders! Have a great birthday today, Chris! =D Tell me how 24 is like, coz I am going to experience that in a couple months' time too. =P
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