This was how I felt last week. Really. (No amphibians were hurt in the making of this blog post.)
Remember my last post? It said that I would post the dirty on what transpired during my one-night team-building bonanza. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, my ever adoring fans, but it ain’t going to happen. Not for this week, at least. For this week was the week that Chris got screwed. By his own screwdriver!
Dreadful analogy aside, I made more mistakes on Friday than I did the past bloody month and a half! At one point, I just couldn’t help but laugh at myself. My mistakes were sort of like gaffes: not terrible enough to be called bad mistakes but enough to be called downright daft mistakes. And from gaffes, it invariably morphed into snafus. The less said about them, the less agonising it is.
The biggest part of the shitty predicament I was in the last week is something that everyone working in a torture cha…office has to use:
To. CC. BCC. Holy weed cakes from
Imagine that were to happen to you. What you would do? Would you jump out of the building before the MD comes pounding to your station, demanding an explanation as to why he’s affectionately known in the office as Very Big Pain in me Arse?
Sometimes clicking on the Send button can be so damn nerve-wracking.
People always say you learn better when you make mistakes. I hate that. But it’s an adage that I’ve been required (for lack of a better, less discomforting term) to employ, whether I want to or not. The great thing about making a mistake, any mistake, at this point in time—and especially in my case—is that I can still hide it behind my inexperience and my look of absolute vapidity:
Boss: What? How come wrong, ah? Don’t know how to do, ah?
Me: (Shoulders shrug, benign look of utter dumbfoundedness). I don’t know la, boss. Can teach me, ah? Please? I give money!
Instant get out of jail trick! But I know that ploy won’t work for long. And I don’t want it to, truth be told. I want to do things that aren’t necessarily part of my job requirements because it'll be nice to know other things. I want to solve things. But I can’t because there simply isn’t enough time and manpower in order to bring me up to speed. I’m impatient, I know. People keep telling me it’s only your sixth week doing something they’ve been doing for years, so, take it nice and slow.
The week of 12th November will be the week I remember the most whenever I want to recollect my early days as a junior consultant. It was a tiring week, both mentally and physically. It was a week where I was at my most unenthusiastic and unmindful. But somehow, by the good graces of the Metal Gods up in the sky, I managed to pull through. With a few scars and a slightly damaged ego as souvenirs.
I’ve got a couple more emails to send out. Hopefully it doesn’t get sent to the CEO!
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: Getting hit with a paintball actually stings a lot. Especially if it explodes in the vicinity of the nether regions!
I've done that - sent an email to someone who shouldn't have gotten it. There is a way to recall an email before it's opened, but only on certain mail programs, and not the one we use at work. Serious ouch. Still, enjoy the excuses and downtown while you can: when you start getting more responsibility, you still make mistakes, but they hurt more.
I heard that if it explodes near the nether regions, it could lower the chance of you carrying on your family name. Not to mention, it's an illegal move, right?
I haven't paintballed before, so I don't now. =P
I heard that about a paintball. Nadia showed me her bruise.
I'm kinda too lazy to read this whole thing now, but I feel guilty for being such a bad commenter/reader. So I say stuff.
Later, Chris.
Lia: I've learned to not feel the hurt when I've yet another silly error. Fine, yes, I made a boo boo but let's go on with it shall we. Chop, chop! Time is money!
Marz: It becomes illegal only when it hits the bull's eye. Or rather, the bulls, urm...I ain't going there!
Syar: Thanks for the stuff, Syar!
I haven't sent naughty e-mails but I have had to pull down a blog post or two due to offensive nature and one in particular about my brother that had my family seething and pissed at me.....
Arugula kills what ails you, Chris.
ArugulasIn Love
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