Friday 24 August 2007



The third week of my not-really-5-week course is now over. Just slightly over a month ago, I was busy doing nothing. Right now I’m so preoccupied that I even forget to shave. My beard. No funny thoughts. The last two weekends just blitzed by like a, um, blizzard. And the next two will be no different. In fact, they’re going to go by so fast, I’ll have a beard of epic proportions by the time I get to the exam room (no hall, since the organisers are cheapskates).

Mr. Overachiever, who henceforth shall be known as simply as Mr. Just-A-Question; Just-One-Question; This-is-Bad, confuses my confused face with my I’m-thinking-but-it-looks-like-I’m-confused face. He’s a nice guy; humorous at times, but his thick accent makes his jokes sound deadly boring. Get him into a classroom, and he’ll transform into a 12-year-old with a beard of epic proportions. Nasty.

I’d like to think I’m one of those guys who can multi-task. You know, for instance, brushing my teeth and headbanging. That kind of thing. The last three weeks have been anything but.

I’m so screwed.

This is Chris, signing off.

PS: No loooooong posts make Chris sad.


elasticwaistbandlady said...

What a coincidence....I like looooong posts too!

I didn't think you were that kind of guy though, Chris!

Chris said...

Lady Elastic: I am that kind of guy! I no bluff one! (Said in my most Malaysian accent some more!)

Anonymous said...

Aww! No long posts make the fellow lovers of long posts (making them and reading them) sad too. But then again the reason is understandable. Your classes count more. And as my dyslexic self says: continue to 'fly your exam with passing colours'. =P

By the way, thanks for re-plugging the '300' parody video. It's the best! =D "Brush your teeth!" LOL!

Chris said...

Marz: Have you brushed your teeth yet? Tee hee!

Jean Knee: I shall refrain from making comments, you loveable heathen!