Wednesday 8 August 2007

Finally! An update! Woohoo!

The last five days have been a blur. Seriously. From having all the time in the world do shave my armpits to not having much to sleep, this five-week course has really put me in place. And it’s not even five weeks. It’s more like three and some. I don’t know how to count.

Anyway, the week’s been tiring as heck. Train rides to-and-fro the training centre have been fraught with idiots in all shapes and sizes. It also doesn’t help that the reference book I have to lug back every single day weighs more than my dumbbells, which aren’t the lightest things in the world to begin with. I feel like banging the book on some poor bugger’s head but I resist.

(Oh, how I resist...)

As usual, in my class there’s the overachiever who wants to know every single thing there is to know about something that has only one definition. It’s kind of weird seeing old men who have way more experience than me peering at their own reference book and slowly keying in data. I feel positively young. There’s also an old guy who knows a lot and always arrogantly points out things. He must be quite the charmer. And then there’s the lady who’s so polite, she’s actually annoying. Reminds me of me.

It’s all good, though. I’ve learned shit loads of things. Sometimes, I get lost, which is understandable considering that my only experience in the corporate world is sitting in a tiny room, keying in data for eight hours for two months. The only thing keeping me from going insane and start killing rabbits is the fact that I would be highly desirable once I pass the friggin’ exam. It’s a pipe dream, I know, but it’s still a dream.

I’m off for now. I have to study. Really. But don’t worry, I’ll keep on updating and visiting your blogs. Laters!

This is Chris, signing off.

PS: I find this really, really interesting. Has anyone heard of a gay Jesus before? I think not. I say, if your own belief system is as strong as sticks on fire, and you believe whatever that gets fed down your throat, then you deserve to be hit on the head with a sledgehammer. Either than that, I say bravo to the gay pastor. You, sir, rock.

PPS: As funny as this may sound, I'll be attending my very first night class today (Saturday)!


elasticwaistbandlady said...

Pobrecito Chris! I'm feeling your pain as my past few weeks have been filled with nothing but crap. Truck wrecks, broken toes, no A/C in Texas heat, and a 101 temperature from a raging cold. Oh, may I also throw in my late paycheck, and overdraft fee because of said late paycheck? Yeah.

I'll pity you if you pity me. Ready? 1........2.........3

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Where is everybody?!!!? Chris....did you fart again and run everyone off?

Oh wait. Maybe that was me.

Chris said...

Lady Elastic: It's only natural that we feel pity for one another. We are, after all, INFIDELS. In our own special way, of course.

Lady Elastic: I thought you're fart smelled of roses? Or is it mine?

Lia said...

An excellent question, EWBL. I don't know about anyone else, but it's just been tough at work lately. Mea culpa, Chris.

So, what's the course in, again? I know you said professional certification, but certification in what? Or is this just one of those general, catch-all things, like an MBA, that's just supposed to sound good?

In my limited experience with professional training (limited, but growing :), the old folks are slower because their minds are no longer in school mode. They're used to doing, not to ingesting information. Whereas we recent colelge grads are used to filing away tidbits where they can be sorted through during an exam. Also, we know how to use Google search, so we don't have to page through reference books. Can't you get a pdf of that thing for use at home?

Chris said...


Lia: I can't really say, since I don't want to spoil the surprise. I know, I know. I hate it when people don't say things properly but in this case, I'm truly sorry. All I can say is, it's a course created by some crazy white people with a sense of humour rivalling a potato.

Alas, there aren't any pdfs available. Just really heavy books for me!

I hope I don't become an old man who asks a lot of questions. I'd hate that.