Due to the fact that I am now employed (finally!), I am now unable to properly construct sentences that will leave you gasping for more, wishing that it will never end. In other words, readable material.
But fear not, I have the weekends. Well, some of it, anyway. What I can say now is that the pay is peanuts but the commission is fantastic (according to my employers but I don't give a toss, more on this soon) and I have a real working man's sling bag to complete the whole professional look. Unfortunately, my potential clients will not get to see my lovely bag but rather, will instead get to hear my manly and mellifluous voice telling them why they should do business with me, a boy who has no sales experience whatsoever but is still trying his luck selling things.
Life's pretty cool, eh?
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: Do anyone want to buy something from me? I sell for cheap cheap one. No worries.
* = it was originally salesMAN but since I don't feel like part of the sales shtick yet I'm calling myself salesGUY instead. Only time will tell.
But fear not, I have the weekends. Well, some of it, anyway. What I can say now is that the pay is peanuts but the commission is fantastic (according to my employers but I don't give a toss, more on this soon) and I have a real working man's sling bag to complete the whole professional look. Unfortunately, my potential clients will not get to see my lovely bag but rather, will instead get to hear my manly and mellifluous voice telling them why they should do business with me, a boy who has no sales experience whatsoever but is still trying his luck selling things.
Life's pretty cool, eh?
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: Do anyone want to buy something from me? I sell for cheap cheap one. No worries.
* = it was originally salesMAN but since I don't feel like part of the sales shtick yet I'm calling myself salesGUY instead. Only time will tell.
You're not going to be the kind that interrupts my lunch at a mamak to sell me children's books right?
If you are, I will be socially bound to assasinate your ass.
And why are you abusing Weeke-Ned just for your own blogging pleasure? The sales life has turned you, man. Turned you bad.
what is it u sell la.
Syar: You made me laugh man. I had a bad day and when I saw that it cheered me a little. Then I went to work the next day and it was bad so the cycle of crap continued. Nevertheless, that brief respite was very much welcomed.
People in sales never rest or sleep. If they could sell all the day they would.
I wouldn't. Let's see how far this goes.
Mawar: I can't really say otherwise my boss would be obligated to assassinate (hah! I spelt this right, take that Syar!) my ass but what I can tell is that I sell opportunity. A chance for betterment.
In other words, I just sell to make my boss richer.
It's a dirty job but someones gotta do it.
There are a list of jobs I will never, ever, desire to hold:
Day Care Provider
Refuse Collector
Bed Pan Changer
The Sniffy People That Try Out Scents At The Perfume Factory
Barry Manilow Concert Promoter
I hope you find happiness and success, chris. If not, I hope you find enough money to pay your bills and keep your in ramen noodles until something better comes along.
damn boy. i wish u luck. :)
Good luck on the new employment. You go dazzle your customers with your charisma, too! =)
Mental note to self : Must remember that there are two ass's in assassinate.
Now I feel the urge to...."I....like big butts and I cannot lie, you other girls can't deny! *goes on humming to self*"
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