Wednesday, 12 October 2005

I am man, hear me um, burp?

The newpaper today came out with this very interesting article on gender. It revolved around a group of people in the good old land of stars and stripes (that be America, duh) who, when they feel like it, 'change' gender like it was their underwear. Or panties.

It's their choice. They feel like a woman one day then a "grrl" he becomes and if he feels like being a man again, he becomes a "boi". Don't worry, I was confused at first. It is as one girl succintly says, "You are what you feel".

I also don't see the big deal when it comes to someone's gender and their sexual preference. If they're gay then they're gay. God created them that way and so be it. Who am I to say that I am better than them just because I like people of the opposite sex. I do feel uncomfortable when some gays express their joy upon seeing my slitty eyes. Friends say that I'm gay because of the fact I keep myself fit (which isn't much so no need to fantasize about me ladies, though thank you all the same for thinking so :P) and that fit men are mostly gay.

I know me. I know that I love being a guy. I'm a twit with wit. I don't EVER see myself as a twit with wit and tits.

Chris(tine) signing off...

PS: Thank God I feel like a man, all the time.


Mawar said...

i never used to be comfortable with gays and lesbians. i always thought that there was something very wrong with them (especially the lesbos) for not liking men. how can one not like men??! but anyway, ever since a close friend of mine came out of the closet not so long ago, im beginning to come to terms with it... i guess it really isnt their choice now is it, its not like they WANT to be gay or anything... but nevertheless im glad im staight coz i love guys to death.

Chris said...

I thought you'd be ok with lesbos considering less straight women = more men for you. LOL.