Thursday 27 October 2005

Confessions of an unwell boy

Never walk in the rain, no matter how cool you may think you look like, it's not worth having your joints aching like a mutha. And do not ever doubt the power of an umbrella and its protective reach against Mother Nature's wroth.

It's taken me twice as hard to come up with half decent sentences for the past few months. I used to think I could spew out line after line of prose that would make any English teacher smile, even if I was down with flu. I even used to get rather pissy when someone corrects my work, especially my style. Not anymore. Bubble of confidence now has been burst. Now I'm left wondering, how the heck could I have been so arrogant?

Seriously speaking, I strongly believe that my writings have been rather under par lately. And i'm not just talking about my blog entries too. My college work is ultimately suffering because of my inability to come up with believable bullshit, which I SO NEED RIGHT NOW. Maybe it's the pressure, the fact that I am known as the Documentation King, the Walking Dictionary (I swear my grammar is so much suckier now) that's been so drilled deep into my skull that I may have left out HUMILITY. And being sick made me realize how incapable I was. I was helpless. I couldn't turn to anyone besides myself.

I have been humbled. I'm more willing than ever in correcting whatever flaws because I want to become a better man. So if you see me making a mistake, don't feel shy and correct me will ya?

Chris signing off...

PS: This will be my last entry for the time being. Deadlines are very aptly named. Fret not, if I have the urge to blog i'll definitely come up with something. So thank you all (all meaning 5 loyal readers but i'm truly grateful all the same) for reading and do take care. Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya to all my friends who celebrate. Until then, have a nice lunch.


Mawar said...

why the sudden bout of self-righteousness? all this because you're down with flu?

hmmm... let's hope you get sick alot of times.

hehehe kidding dear.

p/s: your writings have ALWAYS managed to put a smile on my face. the day you suck, is the day i stop smiling.

Chris said...

Reading back my entry, it does sound kinda like the flu brought me some kind of epiphany. Ah heck, I can dramatize flu! LOL.

And thanks for that sweet comment, made my day you did, seriously. Been rather down the past few days. It's the due dates, they're a killer i tell you.

Hope you have a great Raya! And save some of the lamb chops for people like me!

Chris ;)

Syar said...

i've felt this before. in fact, i have remnants of it. eating humble pie is never fun, but after a while you realize its not half bad. kinda tasty too. don't worry chris, what you think is belwo par is probably better than half the stuff other people come up with. why would us 5 keep reading otherwise?