Monday 13 October 2008

A storm is brewing and it ain't tea-flavoured.

Okay...that didn't really make much sense but it does sound kind of catchy. Right?

Here's a quick recap of what transpired last week:
  • Saw a teenager getting beaten up. I saw the whole thing. The more I wanted to look away, the more I looked. It was surreal. You know that getting a kick in the head would hurt, yeah? Try getting your head kicked at least five times.
  • House is under renovation so I've no door to my room which makes it hard to put on trousers when you have, like, four construction workers going back and forth fixing things.
I think I'm on the verge of a burnout. A mental one. I can feel that my brain is not there. Y'know what I mean? I tend to ruminate things too often and too deeply nowadays. And I get into a weird reverie where my mind wanders wantonly. I even harbour deep resentment over things I won't divulge here. I find this rather unnerving because I know this isn't good for the soul in the long run.

It's high time I go on a vacation. Any one care to join me?

I promise I won't be crazy. Much.

This is Chris, signing off.

PS: I hate it when my tummy feels bloated. Blurgh...


Angie Tan said...


That sucks.

Anyway, time to take a break. To destress and just not think of anything. I heard of a Rakuzen trip coming up? :P

Chris said...

Angie: I so want the salmon! :)