This is the Flickr Meme that I stole from
id. Thank you!
- Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
- Using only the first page, pick an image.
- Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into FD’s Mosaic Maker.
The Questions of Light
1. What is your first name?
Chris. I think that’s quite the obvious since this blog is called Chris’s Abnormally Normal Critiques.
2. What is your favourite food?
My mom’s cooking followed closely by a nice big, juicy burger.
3. What high school did you go to?
A crap one. Seriously.
4. What is your favourite colour?
Believe it or not, it’s actually dark blue that’s almost black. On second thought, nah, it's
black! But for clothes, it’s either black or dark red.
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
It’s actually a salacious triumvirate of Aya Ueto, Song Hye Kyo and Jessica Gomes. But since I’m a one-woman man and I'm really into this chick, Jessica Gomes, I'm going with her as my current number celebrity crush.
6. Favourite drink?
Rooiboos tea with a bit of honey. Divine, I tells you.
7. Dream vacation?
At this point in time,
any Scandinavian country would be fabulous. To a lesser extent, probably some South-East Asian country besides Singapore and Thailand. But honestly, any place where I get to relax would be just dandy.
8. Favourite dessert?
Strawberry pie topped with a lil green tea ice-cream. It's good!
9. What do you want to be you grow up?
Filthy rich.
10. What do you love most in life?
The fact that I can actually get along with
humans and still resent them is truly remarkable. Don’t you agree?
11. One word to describe you.
12. Favourite flower?
Urm. A dead one? Just kidding. I wouldn’t say no to a
black rose.
The Questions of Darkness
1. What has been your least-favourite nickname?
Fatty. I’ve been “blessed” with a multitude of nicknames but that takes the cake. Literally. On a happier note, those who called me that in school/college are now fatties themselves! Haha!
2. What is your most hated food?
I don’t really have a most hated food, per se, just food I’d rather not eat. For example:
3. What was your worst subject in high school or college?
The one I majored in:
Mechanical Drawing. I failed it brilliantly.
4. What colour looks most dreadful on you?
Bright green. Or more commonly known as "
that’s gonna bust your eyeballs" green.
5. Which celebrity do you never want to hear about again?
Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or whichever
socialite girl that decides to destroy her life with the public as her audience.
6. What drink gives you the worst hangover?
Most alcohol but the one that gets me all the time would be
rice wine. Holy shit, that's some intense stuff.
7. Worst vacation spot?
It wasn’t a vacation, per se, but rather, a school
excursion gone bad at the beach. How bad, you may ask? Well, the kitchen and the toilet at the place we were at wasn't that far apart. They were
beside each other. And I forgot to bring my towel. Yay!
8. What is your “I’m having a crappy day” stress snack?
Come to think of it, none. But somehow
milk would be an ideal choice.
9. What was your worst job?
Too many and too painful to recall. Oh. Well. Might as well just suck it up and reveal to the world:
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Cowardice. It’s something I’m guilty of possessing, too This also nicely segues into the next question:
11. One word to describe your most annoying trait.
Silly. Refer to 10. Thank you.
12. What is the first name of the person you like the least?
Nil. I like everyone. Yeah, right!
There’re just too many people I dislike!
This is Chris, signing off.PS: Wow, I survived two weeks without football. Amazing!