I am, by and large, not one of those people who say, “Oh, I listen to everything.”
It’s utter bollocks.
No one listens to everything. Because if someone actually did, they would list polka as music that is Nice to Listen to Whilst in the Company of Old Folk with IBS. I am first and foremost a metalhead that is (somewhat) open to other genres. Polka is definitely not one of them.
What we have here is Duffy. Nope, this is not Sean Combs consolidating his previous moniker of Puff Daddy into a simpler one but still outright inane. And if he did, he wouldn’t use this. Duffy is apparently the winner, oops, sorry, runner-up to the Welsh version of Pop Idol. Yes, no one I know watches it, so I can’t vouchsafe anything. But she must’ve impressed Jools Holland enough for him to let her sing on his (rotten) show.
Distant Dreamer is a nice ditty that shows the softer side of Duffy. What am I yammering about, they are all slow! It’s not Corrine Bailey Rae slow, thank God. It’s one of those songs about dreams that actually work, because the music doesn’t annoy me with annoying accompaniments like saxophones and xylophones.
By now, you would have heard Mercy. This is a song that evokes 70’s soul set in a modern tone. Well, any song in this day and age that tries to sound like the past sounds modern but not that modern. Kind of like Joss Stone without the excessive Yeahs and Oohs.
The title track is reminiscent of Distant Dreamer, in terms of speed and overall atmosphere. Nothing new here, really.
Serious could have been released in the 70’s and it would’ve been a hit. Add in some Bee Gees runs and falsetto, this would’ve exploded the scene. But the only people who would like this would probably serious people. Get it? I certainly didn’t.
I love the fact that she doesn’t try to hit high notes higher than the
At least until the next girl with that certain 70’s swagger comes along. Hopefully she won’t polka-fy anything!