Simply put: Golf is retarded.
The cost of taking up golf is enough for me to put a down-payment on a small car. On top of that, the cost of membership is an astonishing sum. You could feed a whole African village suffering from abject poverty and still have a bit more for medicine. Golf courses are so vast that they could be turned into wildlife reserves instead of having foreign labour manicuring the grass twice a day. The haughtiness golf generates is absurd. If your set is second-hand or worse, a cheap one, the wealthier folk will turn their nose up and say that their sticks are better. They feel deign to talk to you, no matter what.
Have you ever seen an overweight badminton player? A rotund F1 driver? Besides bowling, which sport lets you get away with being stout and chunky while wearing your grandma’s chequered trousers? Golf lets you get away with being unhealthy by making you think you’re healthy. You hit a ball, get on the buggy, stop, hit the ball again, get on the bloody buggy again, repeat and go back to the club and enjoy a lunch featuring a spread that would make any food nutritionist gag.
Sports are supposed to make you healthy, not porky.
Golf is a selfish person’s “sport”. There’s no I in team and golf perfectly demonstrates that. There’s of course the Ryder Cup where there’s two groups vying for lots of money and bragging rights. But it’s a group of selfish individuals. There’s no teamwork whatsoever.
People are paying millions every year just to hit a ball with sticks of varying materials and number on its shiny head. Yet the same can also be said about football, with players earning an obscene amount of $100,000 per week. We pay basketball stars a lot of money just for them to slam dunk a rubber ball into a basket. We see tennis players shrieking (Maria Sharapova squeals like a pig at times), stomping, and make us eat overly priced strawberries and cream at
Golf can disappear for all I care. Just don’t touch my football.
This is Chris, signing off.
PS: Michelle Wie is kind of hot. Still too young for me, though!
At least people play golf. Football and baseball and basketball, etc - people just sit and watch. I really never got spectator sports - why do I care if some guy earning $4M/year hits a ball?
In terms of playing, rather than competition, though, yeah - golf is idiotic. Mini golf is okay, though.
hey chris, change my link to: filipinogeographer.blogspot.com!
ill see you 'round here man!
Blech. That's what I say about golf. Blech. My dad made me play it when I was younger. I had to humour them by pretending I liked it, of course, but now? Let's just say I'm more honest about my sentiments.
I mean, sure it's a 'status' sport and all, just like coffee shops (not like the types in Holland, okay? The shops that sell coffee..) used to be a place where men would make business proposals and what not. The difference is now coffee shops actually have appeal. Golf? For me (I need to italicise 'me', in case someone reads this and decides to get offended and dogmatic.), it'll always be an old man's sport.
Golfers play with their small balls.
I'm an avid Ping Pong fan myself. If you only watch one set of balls going at it this year.....make sure its in the exciting world of Ping Pong!
People around here drive their 'duded-up' fancy golf carts around because its a major status symbol.
Lia: My dear, dear Lia. You don't understand, do you? You're a woman. This is what real guys think about all the time. :P
Lawrence: Done!
Marz: Old men with a horrendous sense of style. Pink t-shirts with yellow trouser? NO FRIGGIN' THANKS!
Lady Elastic: Ping pong sucks. Really. It's so unexciting to see men and women bob up and down hitting balls lighter than farts.
Golf is one of the oldest drinking games known to man. It's absolutly genious. There are 18 shots in a pint, and 18 holes of golf. I can't deny that golf is an expensive sport and that many use golf as a statis symbol. The truth is people use just about anything for statis symbols. Just because some guys drive cars as a statis symbols doesn't mean we all should just stop driving cars. It all depends on who you play with just like any other thing in life.
Golf is 5 hours of joking and competing with your friends away from home and away from stress.
Yes theres no I in team, but there is no team in golf. Golf is an individual sport, but the beautiful thing about golf is you don't play against your opponent. A golfer plays the course. Rivalries are friendships in golf. A loser can never blame his opponent, he can only blame himself in golf. That sets golf apart from any other sport I can think of.
So open your mind a little, go out with some of your budies and enjoy a good afternoon on the golf course. You know you want to.
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