Tuesday 31 January 2006

I'm grabbing life by the balls

Sometimes fate deals out a card that will either make you want to break down and wish for the Apocalypse or you could do the most logical and sane thing, carry on and prove that fate's just a horrid old beeyatch. Sure life will be one helluva bumpy ride ala Kuala Lumpur potholes of death because of the many obstacles that will be faced but I'm going out with all guns blazing.

Therefore, I bid you all adieu for the moment while jump start a new chapter in my life. This is by no means the end of my blogging, it's just something temporary which will render me unable to update as much as I want to. I'm gonna miss reading many of you comments and your respective blogs (I'm directing this at Richard, Jingy, and especially to the dynamic duo of Syar and Nadia, these have been great to me and they're really awesome writers who inspire to me write more). I will miss it dearly. But once I get settled down, when the sea calms and its water is as cool and serene as before the storm, I will return...

Chris is signing off, for now...

1 comment:

Syar said...

I've missed a lot of posts and for that I am sorry. :-)

where are you going, huh chris? huh, huh, huh, huh, huh?

the updates will be missed (not that you do it regularly anyway, hmph) but don't by any means stop blogging. then I will officially have to hunt you down, re-meet you and kick your butt. it will happen, oh yes. so don't get any funny ideas.


that compliment and tribute was touching. *sniff* GROUP HUG!