Wednesday 8 March 2006

Oh my gosh begosh! I have to change my lifestyle!

30 friggin fucken cents. Who would have thought that such a tiny amount could cause so much uproar? I remember the days of when I could pump in RM30 worth of petrol and it would be enough to get me from there to there, 5 times to and fro. And I’d still have enough to buy me a bowl of good ole cendol half way across town. But those days are long gone.

Gone are my days of speeding recklessly because seeing that petrol meter go down instantly every time I accelerate just tugs at my frugal heart. But every single time I want to just cruise on the roads, there’ll always be some punk or grandma lurking somewhere with a top speed of 60km/h on the bloody fast lane. If you can’t handle it, don’t be on that lane asshole!

It is an odd world we live in when people’s hearts don’t skip a heartbeat when it comes to buying a RM2000 handphone but they’ll baulk at the poor char kuey teow seller’s announcement that due to the rising cost of cockles, he has to raise the price of one plate of the blackened, grease filled goodness from RM3.50 to an incredulously overpriced RM3.80. And these are the same people who don’t even know how to use the dictionary when SMS-ing!

But the real champions of this whole issue have to be the youths. Or to be more precise, the dumb and ignorant youths. They do not seem to be bothered in the slightest while the rich bratty ones don’t even give a damn. A typical Paris Hilton remark would be: “I’ll just have to ask daddy for more. I think another 500 bucks will do. Hehehe.” So what, right?

You all know the saying, “Practice what you preach” right? Then how about we let some of the big shots with their equally big tummies to do away with their chauffeur driven big cars and take the bus to go to their functions. This is the kind of an impression that might make the hoi polloi follow suit. I’ve been advocating public transport ever since I sat in my first Mini Bus. During those glorious (and bloody dangerous) days, I used to jostle with everyone; other kids, adults and a couple of grandmas so that I could get in. Who needed air-conditioning when you had the wind at 150km/h blowing in your face?

It’s been a while since the petrol increase and yes, I am one of those who have taken measures to curb any wastage or any unnecessary expenditure. From being a rather stingy bugger I am now a fully fledged stingy bugger.

So what’s next? Will I start recycling my bath water for later use? Will I use paper fans to fan myself vigorously? Will I start eating bread and butter and cheap jam for the rest of my life?

Man, I need to get me a job.

Chris is signing off, for now…

PS: Job hopping is all right. Just don’t do job skipping.

PPS: Sorry for the incoherent feel of the post.


Syar said...

that's all anyone's been talking about. sure it sucks. but really, would it kill you to pay a few extra cents for that artery clogging meal of yours (which, if you have a teh tarik to wash it all down with, will add on your own bona-fide, free stroke!)? malaysians whine too much.

but as a new driver, this new move of the governments is hurting me too. but its not my money, so I deal with it.

Mawar said...

you really have something against grandmothers don't you.

im not complaining about the fuel hike. at least not until im forced to pay for my own petrol. MUAHAHA.

Chris said...

What can I say? Being unemployed for the time being is scary. I always think "Should I spend 4 bucks on that bowl of noodles?". I tell you it's bloody hard especially if you're a stingy as heck bugger like I am. But then again, I'm being a hypocrite since I'm at Starbucks now, sipping my RM13 green tea frap. Arghh, it's hard being me. :)