Thursday 11 November 2004

A new and improved me. Can it be true?

Oh my lordy, I tell you, the last month or so have been the busiest, the most hectic, the most headache inducing, the most of the most i'll ever be. Doesn't make sense? I know for i am a free man. Make that sort of free. No more rushing for work, just one more project to go and like 5 tests and lastly, my exams and then only i'll be a free man!

The last few weeks have seen a marked change in me: physically,mentally and spiritually. I'll do a breakdown for each:

Physically - I think i've put on some weight due to me not working out. Every time i lift a dumbbell i'll think to myself,"end of tag

" and other various work related shit. All hail tummy!

Mentally - I believe that my stance on certains things have been altered or changed completely. I've made friends with people i thought i'd never talk to in the first place, changed my perceptions on a lot of issues regarding what friendship really is and how important it is to maintain them.

Spiritually - Metal is more than music. It's a religion. *what did you think i was going to say?*

Besides that, i'm the sort of unofficial "Dude to Tease til Kingdom Come". Seriously, i've never been teased or humbled like this ever. Not by a guy but by a girl. Make that 3 girls. Luckily i'm a tough guy.

I think.
All in all,

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