Monday 17 November 2008

November rains while December is storming...

I completely and utterly forgot what I really wanted to write about. I had two, maybe three topics I wanted to blab about but now I'm in the office, thinking of lunch.

It's only 0800. Man, I love military time.

November is fast becoming the month where everything goes by quicker because everyone wants December to come soon so that they can jet off to some remote island in the Caribbeans (I so want to wear a leaf skirt*) to soak their weary feet and sip mildly alcoholic drinks. Since I'm pretty much tight with the $, I'll have to settle with somewhere less distant. Either Thailand or Singapore would be very nice. But it's a bit late to book a room and such so I'll think I'll have to content myself with the next best thing: visiting my lovely and awesome grandma.

It's a lot cheaper, too. Ha!

This is Chris, signing off.

* - Hmm, maybe a leaf skirt isn't something I should be wearing.

PS: If they made a movie based solely on the penguins from the atrocity that is Madagascar, I'm so there at the theatre.


Angie Tan said...

Awwww... Where is grandma's house?

I am contented to staying at home. Like you, got to save up $$$.

Chris said...

Angie: Grandma's house is in good ole Melaka/Malacca, just before you enter the town area. I can't wait to eat some quality chee cheong fun, char kuey teow, fish ball mee...the list goes on and on. By then I'm gonna screw my diet thoroughly!

By the way, Mega Sale is around the corner. *wink wink*